人类文明的发展,离不开各种文明的交流和碰撞。 The development of human civilization cannot go without exchanges and collision between various civilizations.
丝绸之路,这条起始于2100多年前的商旅通道,作为连接亚欧贸易的桥梁、融汇东西方文明的纽带,抒写了千古传诵的壮美篇章。 The Silk Road, a business channelthat began in 2100 years ago, wasa bridge connecting the trade between AsiaEurope trade, a link between of the East and West civilizations, describes the magnificent history through the ages.
历史总是以穿越时空的力量昭示着未来。今天,西方文明与东方文明的对话需要一座新的桥梁。在历史与现实交织的土壤里诞生的“一带一路”构想,正是源自丝绸之路精神的薪火相传。 History has always shown the future through the power of time and space. Today, the dialogue between western civilization and oriental civilization needs a new bridge. The Belt and Road Initiative born in the intertwined history and reality derives from the heritages of the Silk Road spirit.
中国国家主席习近平在2014年6月举行的阿拉伯合作论坛上曾经诠释了什么是丝路精神?那就是和平协商的精神,共同建设共同享有的精神,包容互鉴的精神,自由贸易的精神,互惠互利的精神。 Chinese President Xi Jinping interpreted what the Silk Road spirit is in June 2014 at the Arab Cooperation Forum, and it is the spirit of peaceful consultation, the spirit of common construction and fruition, the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning, the spirit of free trade and the spirit of mutual benefit.
历史上的丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路,是贸易之路,更是文明交流之路,它把古老的中国华夏文化、印度文明、波斯文明、阿拉伯文明和古希腊、古罗马文明连接了起来。 The Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road in history was the road of trade and the road of communication between civilizations. It connected ancient Chinese culture, Indian civilization, Persian civilization, Arab civilization and ancient Greek and Roman civilization.
这条路不仅承载着不同地区人们的共同利益,承载着东西方文明交流融合的重任,更承载着人类生生不息的信念和使命。 This road carries the common interests of people from different regions, the task of exchanges between the East and the West, and the endless faith and mission of human civilization.
路,在中国并不是一个简单的字眼,中国人往往把道和路两个字结合在一起。道开启了路,路承载着道,道路连接着心中的使命。 In China, road is not a simple character. The Chinese people tend to combine road and way, and the latter opens a road while the former bears the later. Road and way connect the mission in people’s heart.
从两千多年前西汉张骞奉命出使西域开启丝绸之路,到东汉甘英被阻断于波斯湾而无法到达罗马的无奈;从东晋僧人法显首度西行求法,再到后来被演绎成神话的唐僧玄奘西行取经的传奇故事。在漫长而艰辛的道路上,使节们肩负着政治使命,信徒们寻觅着心中的菩提,商旅们怀揣着财富的梦想,一代又一代艰难跋涉的身影,用脚步走出了丝绸之路的长度与深度。 Form Zhang Qian who was ordered to open the Silk Road in the Western Han Dynasty to Gan Ying, who was stopped at the Persian Gulf and could not reach Rome in the Eastern Han Dynasty; from Monk Faxian who went west for Buddhist doctrine in the Eastern Jin Dynasty monk to Tang’s Monk Xuanzang, whose stories were later interpreted into a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures, on the long and arduous road, envoys shouldered political missions, believers looked for Bodhi in their heart, while businessmen carrieda dream of wealth, generation after generation, they continued the arduous journey, leaving their impressive footsteps on the Silk Road length.
航海技术的发展,开辟了新的通往世界的道路。无数船只从广州、泉州等世界级大港出发。明朝初年郑和先后七次远航的壮举,标志着海上丝绸之路的不断兴盛。郑和七下西洋,并没有在当地留下一兵一卒,所到之处传递的是友谊与文明,他的远航开辟了古代海上丝绸之路历史上航程最长的远洋航线。 The development of navigation technology opened up a new road to the world. Numerous vessels left from Guangzhou, Quanzhou and other world-class ports. Zheng He’s seven voyages in the early Ming Dynasty marked the continuous development of the Maritime Silk Road. Zheng He, in his seven voyages, did not leave a soldier on an overseas land;instead he brought friendship and civilization. His voyage was the longest ocean-going route ever in history of the ancient Maritime Silk Road.
有走出去的行者,就有远道而来的客人。 Besides travelers going abroad, there were guests from afar.
早在公元八世纪中叶,来自西亚的航海家欧贝德,驾驶着苏哈尔号双桅木帆船,历经两年,航行万里抵达中国的广州。脍炙人口的《一千零一夜》中水手辛巴达的故事就取材于这段经历。 As early as the mid-eighth century, Al Ubaid, a navigator departed from Western Asia, sailed withSuhar, a double-mast wooden boat, traveled thousands of miles and arrived in Guangzhou, China two years later. The story of the sailor Sinbad in the popular novel "One Thousand and One Nights" was based on this experience.
当然还有那位年轻的威尼斯商人马可波罗,17岁离家远行,在中国度过了他人生中最精彩的25年时光后,才恋恋不舍的从海路返回家乡。马可波罗是世界上完整地实现了一带一路全方位旅行的第一人。 Of course, we should not forget Marco Polo, the young Venetian businessman, as a 17-year-old, he came to China and spent the most exciting 25 yearsin his life here, before he reluctantly returned home on the sea. Marco Polo was world's first to complete the all-round trip of the belt and road.
千年浮沉,时光流转。 Time flowed in the ups and downs of a millennium.
一带一路的倡议,再度唤醒了人们对历史的记忆,我们今天需要的不仅是一条有利于商品交换的新丝绸之路,更是一条有助于对话和了解的丝绸之路。 The Belt and RoadInitiative once again awakened the memory of history. What we need today is not only a new silk road conducive to the exchange of goods, but a silk roadthat benefits dialogues and understanding.
今天,丝绸之路虽然只是一个文化符号,但彰显的是和平交流、共同发展的理念,和平与发展是丝绸之路的“内核”。 Although the Silk Road is only a cultural symbol today, it shows the concept of peaceful exchanges and common development. Peace and development is the "core" of the Silk Road.
对丝绸之路的回顾与研究足以证明,不同文明之间虽然存在差异,但并不必然导致对抗和冲突。相反,不同文明的和平共存、相互尊重、取长补短,才是世界文明发展的正道。过去是这样,今后仍是这样。 The review and study of the Silk Road is sufficient to show that although there are differences among civilizations, it does not necessarily lead to confrontation and conflict. On the contrary, the peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, mutual learning between different civilizationsis the right way for the development of world's civilization. It was true in the past and is still the case today and in the future.